Suicide Response: Partnering to develop prevention strategies in the Tamil immigrant community
Our partner

Contact Us
For more information about the project, please contact:
Prof. Sepali Guruge, Principal Investigator
Professor, Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing
Phone: 416-979-5000 x 554964
Project Objectives
This project is a partnership between academic researchers and the Vasantham Tamil Wellness Centre in Scarborough, Ontario, that will address the following objectives: (1) explore the social, political, and economic factors associated with the recent suicide crisis in the Tamil community at multiple levels (micro-, meso-, and macro); (2) examine the lived experience of family members, and/or friends of suicide or self-harm victims or those at risk of self-harm or suicide; (3) collect input from families, service providers, and community leaders regard ing strategies to prevent suicides; and (4) contribute toward the develop ment of effective strategies to prevent future suicides among individuals at risk by communicating the study findings to decision-makers.

Phase 1
Phase 1 will involve interviewing family members of suicide victims to explore the different dimensions of suicide, participants’ insights about suicide, barriers to suicide prevention, and recommendations for effective preventive strategies.

Phase 2
Phase 2 will involve exploring access to the available suicide and crisis services, the strengths and weaknesses of the services, and possible strategies to improve them. We will interview service providers who currently/previously provide(d) services to Tamil men at risk of committing suicide.

Phase 3
Phase 3 will involve developing and disseminating strategies to prevent self-harm and suicidal behaviours among men in the Tamil community by engaging community leaders in revising and refining the strategies in preparation for their implementation in the community

Research Team

Dr. Sepali Guruge
Principal investigator

Dr. Trevor Hart

Dr. Margareth Zanchetta
Research Team Members
(by last name alphabetical order)

Dr. Sepali Guruge
Principal investigator

Dr. Trevor Hart

Dr. Parvathy Kanthasamy

Dr. Souraya Sidani